Academic dissertation [4066596-3]
Aerial photograph [4036546-3]
Alba amicorum [4056896-9]
Album [4543648-4]
Archival material [4142968-0]
Atlas [4143303-8]
Audio file [7658708-3]
Audiocassette [4185685-5]
Audiotape [4135867-3]
Audiovisual material [4068939-6]
Bibliographic unit [HI_local_objecttype000083]
Book [4008570-3]
Bookplate [4015985-1]
Charter [4062132-7]
City map [4129845-7]
Clipping (information artifact) [4324081-1]
Color slide [4153694-0]
Contact print [7709611-3]
Diary [4058900-6]
Digital copy [HI_local_objecttype000078]
Digital map [4745787-9]
Digital Media [4511937-5]
Digital photography (Digital camera) [4763160-0]
Document [4139988-2]
Drawing (visual work) [4127900-1]
DVD [4501545-4]
Early map [4611904-8]
Electronic publishing [4514269-5]
File (Digital file) [4148864-7]
Graphic art [4021845-4]
Grey literature [4158089-8]
Hand-drawn map [4444708-5]
Hardcopy [4032423-0]
Image carrier [4319902-1]
Journal (periodical) [4067488-5]
Letter (Correspondence) [4008240-4]
Letter collection [4146609-3]
Map [4029783-4]
Master copy [4417379-9]
Microfilm [4039211-9]
Music literature [4170833-7]
Negative (photograph) [4347758-6]
Newspaper [4067510-5]
Offprint [4242704-6]
Phonograph record [4052032-8]
Photograph [4045895-7]
Photograph album [4219550-0]
Positive (Photograph) [4141215-1]
Postcard [4046902-5]
Poster [4046198-1]
Primary source [4135952-5]
Print (Visual work) [4113357-2]
Printed ephemera [4221004-5]
Printing plate [4323939-0]
Rare books [4076518-0]
Score (document for music) [4040847-4]
Serial (publication) [4155074-2]
Serial (publication) [4181031-4]
Sheet music [4075121-1]
Slide (Photography) [4149435-0]
Sound recording [4346365-4]
Statistic [4056995-0]
Technical drawing [4133914-9]
Topographic map [4322897-5]
Videocassette [4188225-8]
Wall map [4124433-3]
Adaïewsky, Ella [122216954]
Arbusow, Leonid [116319658]
Archive of the collection center of Baltic German cultural property Poznan [HI_local_actor000003]
Arczynski, Stefan [121532348]
Arro, Elmar [128405260]
Augius, Paulius [1056145749]
Ballestrem (Count's family) [123028299]
Baltic Historical Commission [2005574-2]
Balts Association Hamburg [1016650-6]
Bammer, Johannes [118900110]
Barbara Radziwillówna, Consort of Sigismund II Augustus, King of Poland, 1520-1551 [118966650]
Besch, Otto [119495910]
Beyerlein, Hermann [105601881X]
Bialas, Günter [118510592]
Blaschke, Julius [1056829044]
Blaschke, Paul [122649451]
Boeckler, Erich [118896415]
Bohn, Emil [116232250]
Boltovska, Svetlana [1018822461]
Bracht, Christian [124555314]
Brodt, Hans [HI_local_actor000012]
Buchal, Hermann [134590333]
Burghardt, Hans-Georg [117168378]
Campe, Paul [105085065]
Carl-Schirren-Society [2006767-7]
Chodkiewicz, Jean Charles [1157906036]
Clasen, Karl-Heinz [118676318]
Custodis, August [126154554]
D. P. Assembly Centre [4140485-3]
Defense Intelligence Agency (USA) [1082898-9]
Deutsche Arbeitsfront, Reichsabteilung Berlin [35358-9]
Deutsches Institut für Zeitgeschichte (DIZ), Berlin (Ost) [2002867-2]
Deutsches Reich. Luftwaffe [2043150-8]
Deveike, Jone [1159216843]
Dom Museum Riga [118117-8]
Domšaitis, Pranas [122475143]
Drischner, Max [119108380]
Drost, Willi [12498925X]
Duncker, Alexander [11625159X]
Ecklebe, Alexander [103806768]
Ehret, Joseph [1020510226]
Erdmann, Eduard [118685104]
Essen, Werner [1073716643]
Estonian National Museum [1015637-9]
Faber du Faur, Christian Wilhelm von [118828703]
Family Berens von Rautenfeld [HI_local_actor000137]
Family Nothelffer [HI_local_actor000138]
Feldmann, Fritz [141474882]
Fengler, Silke [138400458]
Finke, Fidelio F. [122963814]
Fischer, Erich [HI_local_actor000028]
Flessing, Hans-Joachim [HI_local_actor000029]
Gaigalaitis, Vilius [12273730X]
Gailius, Pranas [131509322]
Geede, Ruth [105698830]
Gehlen, Reinhard [118538098]
Gehrmann, Karl-Heinz [105699764]
George, Götz [11884055X]
George, Heinrich [118690507]
German Documentation Center for Art History - Bildarchiv Foto Marburg [16155502-0]
Goettingian Scientific Circle [2012470-3]
Grundmann, Guenther [118698567]
Hahn, Bernhard [134589750]
Halaczinsky, Rudolf [120830329]
Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI), Hamburg [2013060-0]
Hansa-Luftbild [219606-2]
Haslinger, Peter [120871203]
Heinke, Artur [1067085726]
Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe - Institute of the Leibniz Association [3024025-6]
Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe - Scientific collections, Document collection [4593704-7]
Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe - Scientific collections, Image Archive [HI_local_actor000089]
Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe - Scientific collections, Map collection [5155779-4]
Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe, Library [2016882-2]
Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe, Publisher [HI_local_actor000130]
Herder Research Center for Music History (Hamburg) [1013334-3]
Herder Research Center for Music History (Kiel) [2016866-4]
Hessian State Archives in Marburg [2011688-3]
Hintzer, Karl [1067209336]
Hoesslin, Franz von [116933259]
Independent Self-governing Labour Union 'Solidarity' [1089046-4]
Institut für Kunstgeschichte der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Budapest [5299936-1]
Institut für Landeskunde - Luftbildarchiv zur deutschen Landeskunde [15088-5]
Institut für Litauische Studien, USA [HI_local_actor000127]
Institute of International Politics and Economy of the GDR, Berlin (East) [2048862-2]
Ivinskis, Zenonas [13600671X]
Jagusch, Rudolf [HI_local_actor000043]
Johann Gottfried Herder Research Center for Music History [108615116X]
Johann Gottfried Herder Research Council [2017049-X]
Johann Gottfried Herder Research Council. Commission musical history [3045942-4]
Johansen, Paul [11871273X]
Kischnick, Ingo Sergej [1050337352]
Kleist, Friedrich [HI_local_actor000160]
Kluß, Georg [1038074665]
Koringer, Franz [119357127]
Kosciuszko, Tadeusz [118715143]
Kothe, Wolfgang [116309032]
Krause, Franz [HI_local_actor000163]
Kurländisches Provinzialmuseum (Mitau) [16124544-4]
Laakmann, Heinrich [1081103795]
Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO) [1135144311]
Lettische Staatsbibliothek (Riga) [3011590-5]
Library of Congress, Washington D.C. [35626-8]
Lithuanian Culture Research Institute [16155713-2]
Locher, Hubert [120756358]
Lübke, Christian [12245149X]
Marschner, Franz [130250481]
Masnovskis, Vitolds [131878182]
Mikšys, Žibuntas [129438790]
Militärgeographisches Amt [2029218-1]
Museum Lyck [HI_local_actor000057]
Museum Marienwerder [HI_local_actor000058]
Museum Ortelsburg [HI_local_actor000059]
Museum Tilsit [HI_local_actor000060]
Museum Traken [HI_local_actor000061]
Nord- und Ostdeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (NOFG) [3069647-1]
Orth, Hans Joachim [1013490592]
Ostrogski, Konstanty Wasyl [120028476]
Papritz, Johannes [116157585]
Plater, Emilia [120995875]
Poklekowski, Paul [1069180750]
Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Art [1005202-1]
Popp, Dietmar [132427419]
Preußische Staatsbibliothek Berlin [37102-6]
Private citizen [4134791-2]
Publikationsstelle Berlin-Dahlem [121760-4]
Purvinas, Martynas [105820260X]
Puskepalaitis, Albertas [183672992]
Ramm-Helsing, Herta von [14347183X]
Reichsarchiv Posen [1133382312]
Reklaitis, Povilas [11567201X]
Rukša, Antanas [177293098]
Saint Casimir Jagiellon [118721089]
Salmen, Walter [119060515]
Schekanski, Wolfgang [130022284]
Schlossmuseum Rundale [4651860-5]
Schumacher, Haro [1151649805]
Simonsen, Hans [HI_local_actor000139]
Simonsen, Julius [133088464]
Slovenská akadémia vied. Institute of Art History [1038098-X]
Society for the Protection of Monuments of the Past [1215636-X]
Stanicka-Brzezicka, Ksenia [132184338]
Stewner, Ernst [1060842661]
Treichel, Alexander [11939815X]
Vossbeck, Thomas [1014215749]
Vytautas the Great [11876957X]
Wendland, Anna Veronika [123779278]
Wiemers, Franz [1075056330]
Wiora, Walter [118633902]
Witte, Wilhelm [136712746]
Wittram, Reinhard [118769669]
Wladyslaw II Jagiello [119009927]
Wolf-Lettien, Friedrich Baron von [131176617]
XXX [2041631-3]
XXX [HI_local_actor000066]
Zonal Archives Repository Goslar [1151607215]
Holocaust (Jewish) [4073091-8]
Reformation [4048946-2]
World War, 1914-1918 [4079163-4]
World War, 1939-1945 [4079167-1]
Animals [4060087-7]
Architectural monuments [HI_local_concept000004]
Architecture [4002851-3]
Bathing resort [4122062-6]
Biography [4006804-3]
Boundaries [4130793-8]
City [4056723-0]
City development [4056730-8]
City planning [4056795-3]
Cultural landscapes [4033573-2]
Culture [4125698-0]
Customs [4008017-1]
Demography [4011412-0]
Diplomatics [4062135-2]
Documentary photography [4142019-6]
Eastern studies [4172951-1]
Economic history [7504419-5]
Economy [4066399-1]
Ethnicity [HI_local_concept000057]
Everyday life [4001307-8]
Exhibit [4263515-9]
Folk art [4063851-0]
Forced migration [4063299-4]
Genealogy [4020097-8]
Generalplan Ost (Master Plan for the East) [4332359-5]
Geography [4020216-1]
Geography [4073972-7]
Geology [4020227-6]
Health resort [4033803-4]
Historical event [4160028-9]
History [4020517-4]
History of cartography [4735322-3]
Institutional history [HI_local_concept000023]
Landscape [4034343-1]
Liturgy [4036050-7]
Local geography [4127794-6]
Memorial culture [4200793-8]
Migration [4120730-0]
Monument [4004973-5]
Monument of art [4123592-7]
Monument protection [4011457-0]
Music [4040802-4]
Nazi Loot [HI_local_concept000035]
Nobility [4000464-8]
Painting [4037220-0]
Period between the world wars [HI_local_concept000063]
Photo documentation [4276515-8]
Political iconography [4006632-0]
Politics history [HI_local_concept000038]
Popular culture [4122782-7]
Portrait [4006627-7]
Propaganda [4076374-2]
Religion [4049396-9]
Rest [4015261-3]
Seaside resort [4054093-5]
Settlement development [4116495-7]
Social history [4055772-8]
Sport [4056366-2]
Thematic cartography [4185067-1]
Topography [4133697-5]
Tourism [4018406-7]
Tourist resort [4130979-0]
Traffic [4062901-6]
Transport technology [4185935-2]
Urban geography [4056733-3]
Watercraft [4136257-3]
Western research [4678240-0]
World war, 1939-1945 [4079167-1]
Austria [4043271-3]
Austria [4043271-3]
Bad Godesberg [4071914-5]
Baltic States [4004379-4]
Bamberg [4004391-5]
Bautzen [4004968-1]
Belarus [4079143-9]
Berlin [4005728-8]
Berlin-Dahlem [4087308-0]
Bohemia [4007467-5]
Bonn [4007666-0]
Bratislava [106331869-6]
Budapest [4008684-7]
Chernobyl [4127036-8]
Chernobyl (Region) [4431972-1]
Coburg [4010325-0]
Curland [4033801-0]
Czech Republic [4303381-7]
Czechoslovakia [4078435-6]
Earth [1135962553]
East Prussia [4075754-7]
East-Central Europe [4075753-5]
Eastern Europe [4075739-0]
Estonia [121946-7]
Europe [4015701-5]
Euskirchen [4015784-2]
Freiburg i. Br. [4018272-1]
Gdansk [4011039-4]
Germany [4011882-4]
Goslar [4021643-3]
Göttingen [4046868-9]
Grand Duchy of Lithuania [4499060-1]
Hamburg [4023118-5]
Hungary [4078541-5]
Italy [4027833-5]
Kaliningrad [1085174697]
Kaliningrad Oblast [4400718-8]
Kaunas [4217158-1]
Khmelnytskyi [4216451-5]
Khmelnytskyi (Region) [4607954-3]
Kiel [4030481-4]
Königsberg [4031541-1]
Kyiv [4030522-3]
Latvia [122139-5]
Leipzig [4035206-7]
Lithuania [4074266-0]
Livonia [4036075-1]
Lusatia [4034753-9]
Malbork [1148108955]
Marburg [4037446-4]
Mecklenburg [4038197-3]
Moravia [64402-X]
Oberammergau [4042879-5]
Oldenburg [4043457-6]
Paris [4044660-8]
Poland [4046496-9]
Polesia [4116022-8]
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth [1060577984]
Poznan [4046868-9]
Province Pommerania (Prussia) [4046744-2]
Prussia [4047194-9]
Riga [4050042-1]
Rivne [4224641-6]
Rivne (Region) [4479159-8]
Romania [4050939-4]
Rundale [4408164-9]
Russia [4076899-5]
Silesia [4052678-1]
Slovakia [4055297-4]
Slovenia [4055302-4]
Soviet Union [4077548-3]
Switzerland [4053881-3]
Tallinn [4076684-6]
Tübingen [4061147-4]
Ukraine [4061496-7]
Ukrainian SSR [1009169-5]
Vilnius [5057560-0]
Voivodeship Poznan [4330775-9]
Warsaw [4079048-4]
Washington, D.C. [4064682-8]
Weimar-Niederweimar [4207641-9]
West Prussia [4079244-4]
Wroclaw [4008216-7]
Yugoslavia [4028966-7]