A Historical Insight into National Formation in Germany, 1870s–1960s.
Moderator: Allison Schmidt, University of Pennsylvania
Commentator: Adam Seipp, Texas A&M University
Migrant Workers from Upper Silesia and the German Mainstream Society: Processes of Integration, Othering, and Discrimination, 1870s–1920s
Andrzej Michalczyk, Ruhr-University Bochum
“Expulsion Is Not Migration”? Self-descriptions of Ethnic German Expellees from East Central Europe in the Federal Republic of Germany since 1945
Hilke Wagner, Herder Institute
Challenging German Society’s Image of Poland: Counter-images to the “Cities of Ruins” by Hans J. Orth in the 1960s
Tabitha Redepenning, Justus Liebig University Giessen