March 21-22, 2024, Leibniz-Association Headquarter, Chausseestrasse 111, Berlin
The main objectives of the symposium are:
– bring together the network, taking stock of the main SECUREU activities and the new insights into the nexus between the securitization of migrants and ethnic and linguistic minorities and the security concerns of majorities.
– reflect on our achievements, limitations, and remaining “blind spots” in light of the original objectives of the network.
– generate discussions with leading scholars in the field around key insights and themes covered by the network.
– identify possibilities for future collaboration and taking SECUREU research and teaching forward in different formats.
Three keynote addresses (60 minutes each, incl. discussion) will be interspersed between these network-focused sessions to reflect on network insights with leading specialists. This will be followed by interventions by different network members reporting back on SECUREU activities (up to 15 minutes each) focusing on the following questions: What have we learned on this topic, for (a) theory and (b) policy making? What more general insights have emerged from SECUREU activities, how could those insights be taken further?
9.30-9.45 Matthias vom Hau (Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals – IBEI): Welcome, aims and outcomes of the SECUREU network
9.45 Keynote by Jane Freedman (Université Paris 8): “Securitisation, Gender and Violence”, Chair: Matthias vom Hau
11.15-12.30 Towards synthesis: SECUREU Activities on Migration and Security
Andrea Carlà (EURAC Bolzano): Summer School 2023 “Governing migration and migrant integration in minority regions”
Eamonn Butler McIntosh (University of Glasgow, online): Council for European Studies, Panel 2023 “The Securitization of Migration and the Role of Memory”
Tutku Ayhan (Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals – IBEI): The intersection of gender and religion in the securitization of migration in the EU
13.30 Keynote by Tuğba Başaran (University of Cambridge): “Liberal statecraft, law and violence: Securing through legal borders”, Chair: Georgios Karyotis (University of Glasgow)
15.00-17.50 Towards synthesis: SECUREU Activities on diversity and ontological security
Jan Willem Duyvendak (University of Amsterdam): „Ontological security and nativism“
Federica Prina (University of Glasgow), Andrea Carlà: CES 2023 panel and special Issue on “Ontological (In)security of Majorities”
Rita Floyd (University of Birmingham, online): “Ontological vs. societal security: Same difference or distinct concepts?”
Peter Haslinger (Herder Institute, Marburg / Giessen University): “Securitizing linguistic and ethnic diversity”
Marika Djolai (University of Bradford): “A Tormented nation. Ontological (in)security of the South African majority”
FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 2024
9.00 Keynote by Juris Pupčenoks (Marist College, New York): “Baltic Russian-speakers before and after Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Securitization and Views on Security.”, Chair: Federica Prina
10.30-12.15 Towards synthesis: SECUREU Activities on the securitization of and by minorities
Tutku Ayhan, Matthias vom Hau: “Legacies of nation-building and the (de-)securitization of ethnic minorities”
Werner Distler (University of Groningen): “Geographies of Security”
Heidi Hein-Kircher (Herder Institute, Marburg): “National minorities and dynamics of securitization in urban areas”
Matthias vom Hau: “Securitizing like a state. The secessionist movement in Catalonia”
12.15-13.00 “SECUREU: Insights and Open Frontiers”
The goal of this session should be to get a sense, from all participants, what they think are key new insights/themes derived from the final symposium (and network activities summarized there), how those themes intersect with identified open frontier research agendas like gender, race, and/or space, etc.
Matthias vom Hau: Closing remarks