Dr. Elke Bauer
Scientific Collections
Head of Division - Document collection
Tel.: +49 6421 184-140
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5892-8336
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Head of Division - Document collection
Tel.: +49 6421 184-140
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5892-8336
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Fields of activity:
- The Logics of Collecting
- Collecting in the diaspora
- Opportunities and challenges of image archives in the digital age
- Source-critical handling of photography
- Concept development for the digital infrastructure of the Herder Institute
- 2014 – Appointment of the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe, represented by Prof. Dr. Peter Haslinger, Dr. Dietmar Popp and Dr. Elke Bauer, as “Honorary Ambassador of the City of Gdańsk/Danzig”
- 2008 – Award in the Sybilla competition of the Polish Ministry of Culture in the category "Scientific Publication" (together with Dr. Ewa Barylewska-Szymańska, Dr. Dietmar Popp and Wojciech Szymański) for "Otto Rollenhagen. Study and description of Gdańsk town houses with a special focus on buildings from the Gothic to the late Renaissance / Otto Rollenhagen. Analiza i opis gdańskich kamienic mieszczańskich ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem budowli z czasów od gotyku do późnego renesansu. Edited by Ewa Barylewska-Szymańska, Elke Bauer, Dietmar Popp and Wojciech Szymański. Marburg/Gdańsk 2008".
Committees and Memberships:
- Member of the Baltic Historical Commission
- Member of the Archives Advisory Board of the Carl Schirren Society
- Member of the Association of German Archivists (VdA)
- Member of the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies (AABS)
- Member of the working group for German editions
- 2010-2018 Member of the Spokesperson's Council of the Equal Opportunities Working Group of the Leibniz Association
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