Herder Institute Research Academy

Speakers: Prof. Dr. Peter Haslinger, PD Dr. Heidi Hein-Kircher (until Sept. 30, 2024), PD Dr. Anna Veronika Wendland
Partners: International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) and Giessen Centre for Eastern European Studies (GiZo)
Contact: hira@herder-institut.de

Since 2018, the Herder Institute Research Academy (HIRA) has been at the heart of a structured program to foster young researchers and promote career advancement at the Herder Institute. It is carrying forward the work of the Leibniz Graduate School “History, Knowledge, Media in East Central Europe” (2010-2017) with a focus on the digital humanities. Three postdoc positions were filled in this area in 2017.

The HIRA has both internal and external members. HIRA members are able to apply from any university in Germany with relevant promotion projects. Members are offered special conditions around the use of the Institute’s collections and services, favorable terms for publishing with the in-house publisher and opportunities to take part in the Herder Institute’s exchange programs. All members have the chance to present their projects at least once a year and an annual allowance of up to 300 € is available to cover travel costs to and from the Herder Institute.

To apply, please send your CV and Project Abstract to us: hira@herder-institut.de

The HIRA is dedicated to

  • forging links between scientific research and practical qualification perspectives
  • research and research infrastructures related to the history and culture of East Central Europe
  • discussions around theory and methodology in the sciences of history, society and culture

The HIRA program

  • is organized into modules
  • differs from classic graduate schools in its specific, practical career advancement and goaloriented coaching
  • offers, for this purpose, specialized formats for events and advanced training
  • facilitates discussions around theories and methods in collaboration with university-based partners
  • offers opportunities to gain an extra qualification in fields of work with close links to science and research

The HIRA offers

  • structured insights into areas of work outside of universities
  • the opportunity to gain skills in scientific / academic work (publishing, career planning, networking, coaching in giving talks and putting together applications, research and third-party funding management)
  • networking opportunities