Digital Humanities


Vom Netzwerk als Forschungsfrage zu einem realen Netzwerk der NFDI4Culture

In den vergangenen drei Jahren habe ich im Rahmen der Postdoc-Förderung der HIRA Wissenstransferprozesse, aber auch Konkurrenzen zwischen Kunst, Handwerk, Kunstgewerbe und Industrie fallstudienbasiert anhand der Provinz Schlesien in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts im Lichte der Netzwerkbeziehungen von Individuen, institutionellen Akteuren und Objekten untersucht.

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European Summer University in Digital Humanities

ESU DH is a member of International Digital Humanities Training Network. It is a significant annual international academic event which has been organized since 2009. The major focus of the event is on Digital Humanities. There are workshops from different topics and fields in ESU DH. The participants of ESU DH can attend workshops that they prefer in accordance with their needs and academic interests during the application process.

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Summer Visit in Marburg for „Playing Soviet“

As my time at the Herder Institute was short, I was only able to begin working with its massive image collection holdings. In brief, I spent hours working with images related to the history of the Kaliningrad region along with highlights from the memory cultures/reconstructions sections of the image archive. It is my hope that I will be able to return in the coming year to complete more extensive research with these rich holdings.

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