

From the perspective of a fellow: Damian Zając on Central and Eastern European Spa towns after World War II and his research stay at the Herder Institute

In our new blog series, our scholarship holders report on their research topic and how they were able to approach it in

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From the perspective of a fellow: Adrianna Brechelke on Polish cities after World War II and her research stay at the Herder Institute

In our new blog series, our scholarship holders report on their research topic and how they were able to approach

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Archival Wikis: In Search of a Digital Community for Archive Users

Where should I look for information as I begin the daunting process of planning a research trip to an archive? First of all, how do I figure out if this is even the right archive for me and my project? How do I learn about a particular archive’s unique idiosyncrasies when it comes to document ordering, research help, and hours of operation? How do I learn more about the collections it holds?

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Forschungsdatenmanagement in den Geschichtswissenschaften

In der Beratung von Forschenden hat sich gezeigt, dass es für die Geschichtswissenschaften aktuell kaum generische Lösungen für das Forschungsdatenmanagement gibt. Zwar fußen viele Forschungsvorhaben am Herder-Institut auf der Archivrecherche, jedoch führen die heterogenen Fragestellungen zu dem Wunsch, für das auszuwertende Material möglichst passgenaue und gleichzeitig anpassbare Strukturen für das Datenmanagement zu entwickeln.

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